An ancient heritage towards the future 

This project, conceived by Secret Essence of Italy, wishes to bring to the attention of an international general public some of the most talented and creative Italian emerging artists and designers. 

All of them have in common the Mediterranean, its waves, its atmosphere, its landscape, its culture and traditions. The Mediterranean is, indeed, the birthplace of our western culture.  

With its thousands of years of history, the Mediterranean culture is still alive - even today - in some exclusive and unique treasuries of art and design, that we can name the “new made in Italy”.  

The use of natural materials - stone, wood, paper, organic colors - gives them a new life. 

Moreover, these natural materials live twice: as an artwork and as a language. Different shapes, different artworks, different visions but a unitary inspiration and a universal language.  

They represent an absolute innovative way of defining space, time and creative speech. 

A Visionary world where old materials processed by ancient and unique techniques are explored and re-imagined to evoke suggestions inspired by future and modern lifestyle. 


Sometimes a simple question has not a simple answer. 

Let’s try… 

For me the Mediterranean is all and its opposite at the same time. 

It’s the birthplace of our western culture and it was and still represents a mix of cultures. 

It’s one of the most beautiful sea in the world and the most dangerous as well. 

It’s a border and also a unitary place that creates bonds among different countries. 

It preserves our ancient memories and pushes us towards unexplored future paths.  

Empires and people were born and died in it. 

For thousands of years it has been the “market place” of Europe, merchants and bankers made their businesses along its coasts. 

Nowadays millions of desperate people cross its waters looking for safety and freedom. 

It’s definitively the place with a long story to tell and one still to write. 



Because it’s like me…I was born and raised in Sicily. Mediterranean lifestyle, tastes and colors are in my DNA. 

Because it’s being the inspiration of a new wave of contemporary art & design that is, without any doubt, unique.  

Because simple and unique things inspire simple and pure art. 

Because all these Mediterranean inspired artworks contain a vision of future and a strong message that connected us to our past. They tell a story but it’s up to the watcher to end it. 

Because this new Mediterranean wave hopefully can crash the wall - built by a strong industry ruling class - between art and people 

Because every artwork is a masterpiece still unknown by the international general public that deserves to be communicated and shown. 

Communicate art & design is challenging, the challenge is to bring new emerging Italian artists & designers out of their ateliers and let people see what they can do.  

This is me, 

this is my challenge,  

this is, Secret of Essence of Italy.

Mediterranean is calling and now it’s up to you to answer!  

Liria Ingallina