
michela tomiselli

Her work is the result of a journey, which includes extensive research, individual experimentation, and juxtaposition. These crucial steps lead her to challenge herself as an artist through the “gesture" photographic painting rather than the iconographic image.

The artist performs gestures and movements, blending timing as well as the lens, revealing – almost like a whisper -, the existence of different worlds, where every object, every single moment, and the light become the embryos of new emotions that pulse softly.

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What appears to be a random gesture is indeed a voluntary process, synchronized with sensitiveness and conceptualism of those who know the technical mean and the sophistication of contemporary art.

It is a continuous and demanding search, an abstraction from the objectivity, and an immersion into the surreal. Michela becomes one with the camera and, without rhythm and timeless, moves to chase the warm early morning light and sometimes to capture the feeble, but also fleeting, sunset one. Light merges with movement, allowing her to shape the matter as if she were sculpting or painting.

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So, those details that are invisible or neglected by many people take a new shape and emerge in a symphony of emotions.

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